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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

The North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (also known as North Carolina A&T State University, North Carolina A&T, N.C. A&T, or simply A&T) is a public, historically black land-grant research university in Greensboro, North Carolina. It is a constituent institution of the University of North Carolina System.
North Carolina
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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

NCAT, a premier HBCU in North Carolina, used qBraid's course experts and platform for their students to learn more about quantum computing. The students used qBraid Lab to work on the various Jupyter notebooks coded in Qiskit to cover topics ranging from the quantum simulation to optimized database search through Grover's algorithm.

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What we did
Tokyo, Japan

Quantum Chemistry Benchmarking with NVIDIA GPUs on qBraid

San Francisco, California

Intel Quantum SDK Version 1.0

Chicago, Illinois



| Quantum

A web-based IDE interface that provides software tools for researchers and developers in quantum, as well as access to quantum hardware, GPUs, and CPUs.
The qBraid-SDK is a Python toolkit for cross-framework abstraction, transpilation, and execution of quantum programs on hardware and simulators.
Harness 20+ quantum computers and simulators including IBM, QuEra, Oxford Quantum Circuits, Rigetti and Amazon Braket as well as flexible CPUs and GPUs.