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Kanav Setia is a co-founder and CEO of qBraid. He earned a PhD in Physics from Dartmouth College in 2020, where he worked on quantum algorithms for quantum chemistry, with a particular focus on fermion-to-qubit encodings. Dr. Setia’s work on the Bravyi-Kitaev Superfast (BKSF) algorithm was the first to apply BKSF to quantum chemistry simulation. Collaborating with IBM, he developed the Generalized Superfast Encoding (GSE) for quantum simulation. This work was the first to show the presence of inherent error-correcting properties within the fermion-to-qubit encodings. Among many responsibilities at qBraid, he is the PI for the Q4Bio contract, for which qBraid is building a quantum software pipeline to understand protein drug interactions. Dr. Setia also holds a B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering with a minor in Astronomy and Planetary Sciences from the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology. After graduation, he worked for four years at the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in the MEMS division of the Semi-Conductor Laboratory, focusing on the design and development of accelerometers and gyroscopes.

Meet the rest

of the team.

James Brown

Quantum Research Scientist

Harshit Gupta

Quantum Software Engineer

Masanori Hanada

Scientific Advisor